More on cardio exercise (part two): measuring your target heart rate and fitness progress
Intensity is an essential component to cardiovascular exercise. It ensures that you and your body receive the health and fitness benefits associated with this form of exercise. But how do you know how hard to workout?
Tune into this episode of The Longevity Gym to hear Pam Strand, Personal Trainer, answer this very important question.
Hear Pam discuss:
How to calculate your maximum target heart rate
How to determine your thresholds for low, moderate, high, and very high intensity cardio exercise
Why fitness and health trackers are great tools for heart rate training
The differences between intensities below and above 85% of your maximum target heart rate
Subjective measurements to evaluate your fitness progress
Objective or numeric measures of progress
Why taking a holistic view of your efforts and progress is the best way to stay tuned into your progress and results.
Remember always to exercise at intensities and durations that are safe and healthy for you. Idk you have questions, be sure to check in with your doctors and follow any guidance they provide.
This episode is part of a two part series. If you missed part one, be sure to check out Episode 13: Cardiovascular exercise for the middle years and beyond (part one). . You can follow the link below.
Examples of Maximum Target Heart Rate and Heart Rate Zone Calculations
#1: Simple Maximum Target Heart Rate
220 - Your Age = Maximum Target Heart Rate
Maximum Target Heart Rate x Percent Intensity = Heart Rate Zone
#2: Maximum Target Heart Rate (using resting heart rate)
220 - Your Age = Maximum Target Heart Rate
Maximum Target Heart - Resting Heart Rate = Heart Rate Reserve
(Heart Rate Reserve x Percent Intensity) + Resting Heart Rate = Heart Rate Zone
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Here's to living longer, stronger, and healthier!
All my best,