A smorgasbord for your brain
12 ways to keep your brain and mind
healthy and strong
How do we take care of our brains and minds as we get older?
It is a big question that many of us have.
We are determined to lower the risk of memory issues and of dementia and diseases such as Alzheimers. Like all areas of our body, our brain changes as we get older. While it is tempting to add this to the list of our complaints about aging, science is finding answers for us and giving us clues on what we can do to keep our brains and minds as healthy as possible for as long as possible.
While no single behavior (or really any behavior) is guaranteed to prevent dementia and cognitive decline, science does point to an overall healthy lifestyle as a means to reduce the risk of these conditions and diseases. In this episode, Pam Strand shares 12 ways to keep your brain and mind healthy and strong.
We invite you to tune in!
Learn the smorgasbord that can nourish
your brain and your mind so they can be as strong and healthy.
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